IOVOX call results

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

Please see the below breakdown for all IOVOX call results:

  • ANSWERED: If the caller gets through the automatic answering service and speaks to a real person at the end of it, it will be marked as answered
  • ANSWERED [MACHINE DETECTED]: If the caller gets through the automatic answering service but does not reach a real person at the end of it and leaves a voicemail, it will be marked as answered [machine detected].
    Equally, if the caller hangs up part-way through the automatic answering message, it will also be marked as answered [machine detected]'
  • BUSY: This return means that the destination is engaged or cannot answer
  • HANGUP: This means that the caller hung up before a call is answered
  • HANGUP-RECORD-ALERT: This means that the caller hung up during the record alert (i.e. the message played to the caller to inform them that the call will be recorded)
  • HANGUP-WHISPER-CALLER: This means that the caller hung up whilst the whisper was being played to the caller
  • NO ANSWER: This happens when the call times out whilst ringing
  • NO RULES SET: This means that there are no rules set to the IOVOX numbers attached to links. Generally, this is the result of human error when setting up links, or, the rules have been removed from the links
  • NUMBER ON HOLD: Calls to IOVOX numbers that are set on hold
  • RULES BROKEN: This means that the rules variables are not set correctly. Often this is the result of the contact id for the destination number being incorrect
  • BLOCKED: Calls to numbers that have been blocked
  • DESTINATION IS VOXNUMBER: The destination number has been set to an IOVOX number and thus will not connect