Best practice for New Homes listings

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated


When uploading a listing, it's important that it has all the necessary information added, so that you can get the best possible marketing for the property.
For more information on How to upload sales listings in ZooplaPro, click here

There's a range of best practice suggestions that you can follow, to increase the selling appeal and reach of each listing.

This article includes: 

Initial information

This is a customer's first chance to see your listings in the search results, so make sure to:

  • Highlight the most important property features 

Detailed listing information

Once a customer has clicked through to one of your listings from their search results, make sure that:

  • The Full description text is house type or plot-specific in order to sell the house and not the development 
  • Development level information is added as a separate paragraph after your house or plot description
  • Additional media has been added.  For example, Floor plans, Site plans etc
  • Room sizes and dimensions have been added
  • All offer information is displayed.  For example, Smooth Move etc
  • Any Disclaimers have been added

 Best practice

  • Include additional media where possible as 37% of portal users say they won't enquire about a property without a floorplan
  • Consider listing your properties at a round numbered price as this will help them reach the top of the list when search defaults are based on price
  • Refresh external images - swap them out for images of the kitchen as this proves highly popular for consumers.  Rotate the photos every 2 weeks to draw in consumers who may have previously scrolled past the listing.  Listings that are updated frequently can draw more attention
  • Keep plot availability fresh by loading new plots as and when they are released to help promote email alerts and recency search defaults
  • Use Features to promote property amenities and boost exposure in keyword searches

The first 7 days are critical to success

It’s vital that new listings are uploaded with fresh content and availability.  Users will rationalise their search to reduce units listed; either by price or unit type. 

Factors important to consumers

  • Clearly state if parking is available with the property.  However, be clear if it's not included within the price
  • Is the property easily customised? 
  • Are there upgrades to kitchen cabinets or flooring available?
  • State school catchment areas that the development falls within
  • Highlight your HBF (Home Builders Federation) satisfaction score as it's an effective way of reassuring the consumer about build quality
  • Consider future phases and how you might advertise these to consumers. Their perfect plot might be in the next phase

Additional points to consider 

  • Ensure the Features are relevant and highlight the most important features.  For example, is a 'Towel warmer' in the bathroom a deal-breaker?
  • Consider the property's rooms - do any of the bathrooms include a bath? This kind of thing is important for families
  • Give an idea of the room size - consider the language you use
  • Provide a picture of what the development will look like 
  • If the property comes with outside space, what direction does it face?  For example, South or South-Westerly gardens

Development Level Information

  • Include the development street scene and local area imagery

Shared Ownership homes

When customers do a search for 'Shared Ownership' properties, there are a range of key terms that are required in the Full description text to maximise the returned results.  These include:

  • Shared ownership
  • Shared Equity
  • Share of Property
  • Share ownership
  • Equity Share
  • Part(s) Buy(s), Part(s) Rent 

Additional points to consider

  • The percentage share being purchased and the FMV (Fair Market Value)
  • Monthly rent and service charges
  • Are there any restrictions to eligibility? For example, Local area connection